Anastasia Heikinheimo

Anastasia Heikinheimo

MAKE IT EASY TO USE Anastasia rolls up her sleeves and takes the steering wheel, listening to her clients and understanding their needs. With her extensive experience, she understands others and a wide range of factors, and enjoys working as part of a team. She is...
Marko Happonen

Marko Happonen

USER-FRIENDLY MAINTENANCE Marko brings to Islet over 20 years of SAP experience and expertise. Having sailed many seas, Marko believes in user-friendly maintenance, always keeping the customer’s end-users at the heart of the project and solutions. Living in...
Juha Luukkola

Juha Luukkola

NEVER GIVE UP Juha was familiar to Isletters from long-term client projects, and the cooperation went so well that he decided to continue the projects from our island. Juha is relentless in his projects and ready to do whatever it takes to make things happen. He...
Aliisa Värttö

Aliisa Värttö

STRIVE TOWARDS THE HORIZON Aliisa is an energetic and creative northern explorer who is fascinated by data, analytics and the new winds of technology. Aliisa is always ready to dive into new challenges and she knows how to stay afloat even in rough waves. In addition...
Arianit “Niti” Zogiani

Arianit “Niti” Zogiani

WORK SMARTER Niti was born in Kosovo, from where he moved to Finland at the age of 3 due to the war. Already as a child he was interested in computers. He likes challenges, jumps openly into unknown waters, and trial & error is a familiar concept to him. Niti...