Marko Hassinen

Marko Hassinen

CURIOSITY LEADS TO KNOWLEDGE Marko has over 20 years of solid, both domestic and international, experience in financial solutions and consulting. His expertise gives our island an unshakable bedrock of knowledge, as well as a relaxed but professional atmosphere. With...
Markus Lindevall

Markus Lindevall

SUCCESS WITHOUT A MOTTO Markus controls any situation and handles all conditions. Markus’s calm and always-to-the-core approach creates security in even the toughest storm. He carries the brightest lantern and guides the team home. As a hard-working professional...
Niko Hirvonen

Niko Hirvonen

IT NEVER GETS EASIER, YOU JUST GET BETTER Niko is an easy-going North Karelian, whose feet are firmly on our island. Niko has a pragmatic way to face challenges, as well as an unyielding character that roots from his long competitive sports background. Niko also has...
Jenni Leiponen

Jenni Leiponen

READY TO GO THE EXTRA MILE Jenni brings a warm and positive breeze to our island. She has a diverse background in logistics, sales, marketing, product management and customer service. Jenni is genuine and friendly, and her smile catches on. Jenni has a real desire to...
Ville Manninen

Ville Manninen

DRIVE FOR IMPROVEMENT Ville comes from the pine forests and shores of Central Finland, and via Ireland, England and Germany he ended up in the Finnish capital region. Ville is an experienced SAP Logistics veteran and Islet’s leading consultant with diverse experience...
Ilkka Ellilä

Ilkka Ellilä

TRUST ME, I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING Ilkka is the survivor of our island. He would survive on our island without equipment, food and drink, coming up with a solution to every challenge. There has not yet been a problem that Ilkka could not solve. When the waves rise...