ISLET Group has packaged the implementation of our emission application for all organizations. The app is used for calculating and reporting emissions from different sources in unified format.
ISLET – SMART EMISSION CONTROL is a Microsoft qualified partner solution that is based on the growing Power Platform technologies. The application relies on the much-used Greenhouse Gas or GHG protocol principles in its emission reporting.
With the packaged solution, after only a couple of weeks of implementation work, the company is able to use the application to significantly decrease manual bringing simplicity and efficiency in their emission calculation and reporting processes. The application makes it possible to calculate, measure and track emissions from various different sources (Scopes 1, 2 and 3). The app converts the logged data into one, comparable format (tCO2e). Via the integration done in the implementation, the information flow to Microsoft Power BI’s reporting and visualization tool for distribution and easy analysis.
Download a brochure for our Islet Carbon Footprint app and get to know the solution in more detail:
You can also find our solution from the Microsoftin AppSource service.
Read our reference story for Transmeri Group’s emission application.
Here you can find all of our packaged solutions:
PK-yrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönotto SMART PRODUCTION SERVICES valmistavan teollisuuden yrityksille.
PK-yrityksen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönotto SMART PROFESSIONAL SERVICES asiantuntijaorganisaatioille.
Toimialariippumaton paketoitu hankinnan ratkaisu SMART GUIDED BUYING.
#Microsoft #ISLETGroup #Goldpartner #paketoituratkaisu #smartemissioncontrol #päästösovellus #päästöraportointi