ISLET Group has packaged a comprehensive ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution implementation for professional service companies and companies who do project-based business. ISLET SMART PROFESSIONAL SERVICES is a SAP Qualified Partner-Packaged Solution powered by SAP Business ByDesign technology.
The packaged solution gives professional service organizations instant insights on their key performance figures and streamline their support process. SAP Business ByDesign ensures timely, on-budget and effective project execution and management of projects visibly through their whole lifecycle. In addition, the solution enables optimal resource utilization and accurate client billing. Built-in efficient subcontractor management supports in contract negotiations and for the sales it brings measurability and capability to lead sales proactively with real-time data.
Small and medium sized professional service companies and project business organizations need modern enterprise resource planning to maintain their competitive edge in a digitalized world. The next generation SAP Business ByDesign solution ensures systematic and agile operations with great end-user experience and mobility. It also enables scaling and launching new business models into the market and creation of better customer experience.
SAP Business ByDesign is a modern cloud-based enterprise resource planning solution aimed at managing the entire business of SMEs and their all core processes. The solution is an intelligent, secure and easy-to-use ERP system that is widely used globally.
(The video is in Finnish)
Previously in spring 2019, SAP and ISLET Group published their collaboration on SAP Business ByDesign Enterprise Resource Planning Solution. Read the news here!
Download the SMART PROFESSIONAL SERVICES packaged solution description and read more about its pricing, project duration and scope here:
We have also packaged a comprehensive enterprise resource planning solution implementation for manufacturing companies.
Find ISLET SMART PROFESSIONAL SERVICES description at SAP’s site here.
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