For the first time, ISLET took its customers and stakeholders to SAP Experience Center visit to Copenhagen. Top-notch visionary speakers sparked discussions about the future and change. During the visit, it was inspiring to look into the future and gain new perspective how current organization should change.
The group arrived in Copenhagen the night before the visit. The participants were from many different sectors and they were already able to get to know each other and exchange thoughts during the dinner.
The next morning, we got transported to SAP Experience Center accompanied by magnificent sunshine. Janina Luoto, CEO of ISLET, started the morning with a welcome speech and ISLET introduction. Luoto also opened the company’s views on development and growth. The first speaker Mariano Kristensen from SAP Nordic spoke about an intelligent enterprise in experience economy. After that, Maria Pereira from SAP led us into the world of design thinking.
Before lunch, the audience got engaged by Erick Thürmer, Denmark’s most well-known visionary. Thürmer shared his experiences about pivoting and revolutionizing his 120-year-old family business, Thürmer Tools. Discussions with him continued over lunch, with focus on the future and new forms of leadership.
Thomas Madsen, Head of SAP Experience Center Copenhagen, opened the afternoon. He introduced the center and its activities and gave tour in its various functional workspaces. At the end of the afternoon, Mia Ruotsala, CDO of Intersport Group, inspired the audience by telling how they turned the sport giant’s local store-based business to digital era. Discussions with Ruotsala continued over dinner.
Welcoming words from Janina Luoto, CEO of ISLET Group. Luoto also opened ISLET’s views on development and growth, and how important it is to do it sustainably.
The first guest speaker was Mariano Kristensen, Head of Center for Excellence and Global Business Development of SAP Nordic. Kristensen spoke about the development path towards intelligent enterprise in today’s experience economy.
Kristensen’s speech was followed by Maria Pereira, Principal Digital Strategist Manager and Customer Innovation Design of SAP. Pereira explained what design thinking is as a methodology and how it can bring new ideas and solutions to complex problems.
Before lunch, Erick Thürmer speeded up audience’s thoughts. Thürmer shared his experiences about revolutionizing his 120-year-old family business, Thürmer Tools, and gave concrete examples how companies must keep up and constantly do things in new ways. He also emphasized the need to do something completely new, even impossible considered, in order to develop. Discussions continued with him over lunch, where he shared his thoughts on innovative leadership.
The afternoon was opened by Thomas Madsen, Head of SAP Experience Center Copenhagen. Madsen introduced Experience Center’s functional spaces and told about the various workshops and exercises they do with companies in order to help them develop.
At the end of the afternoon and whole visit, Mia Ruotsala, CDO of Intersport Group, told the sport giant’s inspirational path to digital era. Ruotsala also emphasized how to turn a company’s special features into a competitive advantage. Discussions with her continued over dinner.
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