I am born and bred in Kuopio and mainly spend my free time at my summer cottage. Some of my hobbies are photography and information technology. I have also been getting familiar with 3D printing. I take care of my physical health by biking and also by snowshoeing in winter.


In what kind of organization and role do you work?

 I work at Istekki Oy which is a growing and developing information, health and well-being technology expert organisation with over 600 employees’ and operations all over Finland. We provide ICMT technology services for health care and municipal operations. My own role at Istekki is designer in application services, with mainly SAP maintenance responsibility.


I have worked with SAP since 2002. At first, I worked for the City of Kuopio in local key user role for half a year and then jumped into Kuopio procurement in system key user role. My tasks revolved around technical maintenance, development and coordination, so after that I moved to system maintenance in the City of Kuopio’s ADP center. In 2009 the Kuopio University Hospital’s Tekplus and ADP center merged and gave birth to Istekki, where I have continued working mainly with SAP along with couple of other systems.


What is the best thing in your work?

The best thing in my work is its variability, as well as how we aim to tackle the challenges and to ease procedures of the system from the user point of view. We don’t do things just for the sake of technology, but rather the need comes from the customer. For example, development and electrification of the central warehouse have resulted in a great amount of positive feedback from the users.

In development, cost pressures bring their own challenge, and the made changes have partly helped to reduce costs while functionalities remain the same. For example, transferring department storage rooms refill services functionalities from a separate system to SAP did improve usability while it also reduced separate maintenance costs at the same time. In a large-scale order community compromises are necessary, and not all wishes can always be fulfilled completely. Nevertheless, it has been nice to notice that considering the system use rate and order quantities the yearly growth has continued.


How do you think your sector will develop?

One apparent development direction is robotics, and especially the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Users’ routine activities in applications are being automatized even more, and development can also be seen in everyday life, for example in cars that have highly developed assistance systems. Also cloud services are growing and developing in fast pace and IoT brings new possibilities. When working in this sector in the middle of all operations, you may not recognize those changes to be such a huge thing, as the field is constantly developing. In the beginning of this millennium we couldn’t even image all the things done today.


What is your organization’s core message to stakeholders and customers?

Building a better working Finland. At Istekki we aim to ease and streamline customers’ work, comprehensively enable services that provide mutual value and focusing on customers to boost the development of new solutions. Istekki’s vision is to be a respected enabler of the most important work in Finland.


How do you keep the best professionals in-house and what makes your organization a great place to work?

Team spirit is the key. At Istekki we work together effortlessly and serve our customers as well as have a vast know-how on different fields. We also invest heavily in employees’ know-how and education. And employees’ well-being is supported by culture and leisure time activities.


How is the collaborative partnership with ISLET?

Over the years, the collaboration with ISLET has been easy and we have found solutions to challenges together. We have always been able to trust high quality collaboration and execution both in system development as well as problem situations. Isletters are easily approachable and competent professionals. Customer’s opinions and needs are valued, and the best outcome is reached.


Own motto

Yes we can!



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