Congratulations to Islet Group’s CEO Janina Luoto for winning the Microsoft “Power Women Award 2024 for Finland”! Power Women Awards are part of Microsoft’s ongoing commitment to inspire a new generation and invest in female tech talent.

What if every woman considering a tech career could see the potential she could unlock? Microsoft launched its Power Women Awards as a way to promote astounding female tech talent: increasing visibility, building community, and investing in female leadership.

In 2023, 12 female leaders in technology from 11 Western Europe countries won the Microsoft Power Women Award. These women have not only excelled in their professional careers but have also played a pivotal role in motivating women and those early in career to pursue rewarding opportunities in the field of technology.

The 2024 edition of the Microsoft Power Women Award has broadened its reach to encompass the entire EMEA region including 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom and 4 areas: Africa, Central Europe, Middle East and Southeast Europe. All winners will be invited to join the Microsoft Women’s Leadership Program 2nd Edition, customized and developed by Professor Jennifer Petriglieri, at the INSEAD Business School in Fontainebleau in France.


I am very grateful and honored for the Microsoft Power Women Award. This recognition is significant not only for me personally, but also for the entire Isletter team that commits daily to equality and supporting women in the tech industry. This award is a sign that we are on the right path, but there is still a lot of work to do. We will continue our active work to promote equality and diversity, and I hope that we serve as an example and inspiration for both women considering a career or already working in tech, as well as for companies in our industry.

Janina Luoto

CEO, Islet Group

This award represents another step in Islet’s mission of empowering women in tech and promoting gender equality in our industry. Equality is Islet Group’s core value. Technology is for everyone and should be developed and implemented by diverse teams. At Islet, we actively work on eg. increasing the number of women in the company, on the board and advisory positions, and ensuring gender equality in salaries. Some gender equality indicators that we monitor on monthly basis:

  • 41,2% of all Isletters are women (target 40-60%)
  • 57% of Management Team are women (target 40-60%)
  • 40% of Board & Advisory are women (target 30-70%)

These results reflect Islet’s long-term commitment and continuous work. Islet has always been a pioneer in diverse thinking and working in the tech industry. There is still a lot of work to do on equality, in Finland and globally, and we can all help driving the change.


#IsletGroup #Isletters #MicrosoftPowerWomenAwards #WomenInTech #DiversityInTech #PartnersMakeMorePossible #MPWAWinner


Source: Amplifying ambition to spark inspiration – Microsoft Power Women Awards 2024

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