Islet has packaged Smart Guided Buying into a SAP certified partner solution, that increases efficiency and transparency in organisation’s indirect procurement. This solution is applicable across industries, such as the food industry, healthcare sector and manufacturing, and is based in the modern, cloud-based SAP Ariba technology.

This packaged solution allows for a simple, smart and intuitive buying experience, where the end-user can make guided purchases in an e-commerce style user interface. Your organisation can integrate necessary catalogs, such as peer-to-peer catalogs like the Ariba Network, as well as internal catalogs and PunchOut catalogs, straight into the solution. Navigation between different catalogs is stream-lined and simple, and available discounts can be applied to purchases. Utilizing Smart Guided Buying your organisation can support users with tactical buying abilities. The Smart Guided Buying solution supports compliance by giving system notifications in case a failure to comply with related policies is detected. You can configure a pre-defined list of allowed exceptions and the system guides the end-user to handle errors before a purchase request can be finalized. These, and the many other functionalities of this solution allow for real benefits, such as increased efficiency and transparency in supplier collaboration, compliance, savings in costs as well as end-user satisfaction.

Jenni Lonka

Jenni Lonka
CBO, Sourcing and Spend Management
+358 40 567 5037

Islet Group is SAP’s first truly local SAP Ariba partner in Finland. Download the ISLET Smart Guided Buying factsheet, with details on pricing, project duration and scope, below:

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