At Islet, we are aware that the Corona pandemic poses risks with wide-ranging effects. We take this issue seriously, and in doing so, we create scenarios and take measures to minimize risks.

We strive to support our employees, customers and partners in times of crisis. We have prepared an action plan and identified the possible scenarios as the situation develops. We aim to be as responsible as possible, to maintain jobs, ensure the continuity of our services, and to help other actors in our ecosystem to do the same.

Already two weeks ago we have given all Isletters a recommendation to work from home, as well as guidelines regarding hygiene, seeking care, travelling recommendations, and how to act if showing corona virus symptoms.

At the Executive Team level, we monitor the situation on a daily basis. We have canceled all business trips and events and have advised against travelling and mass events. Based on the situation in Finland, we raised our own level of measures last week and at the same time decided that all Isletters will be working remotely for the time being.

Continuous maintenance of our clients’ systems and carrying on projects is very important to us and we do our utmost to ensure continuity. We are prepared to respond to possible absences and resourcing ahead of time.

If you are experiencing a sudden shortage of resources due to the current situation, we strive to provide Isletters with a timely schedule to ensure the smooth continuity of your business.


For more information on our situation at Islet and with possible resource needs, please contact our Chief Operating Officer, Heidi Sinisalo:, +358 400 455 377.


We are updating this news release with the latest information on our actions.




#corona #coronavirus #pandemic #together #responsibility

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